
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Huggy Jesus

He's "soft and cuddly." He's "hypoallergenic." He's even "machine washable." And somehow, even though he's the only doll this company makes, he's "collectable." He is "Huggy Jesus". "Huggy Jesus" is a plush doll wearing an orange tunic and a blue coat. His arms are open and ready to give you a hug.

"Huggy Jesus" is more than an attempt to make money. He has a story. The doll's creator, Sean Pinkerton, had reached the bottom. He had no hope left in his life. While out in the rain one night with no where to go, Pinkerton stumbled upon a church. He hadn't prayed before, but he prayed for all the things he needed: food, shelter, help. While praying Pinkerton saw Jesus standing there with open arms. Pinkerton was moved to tears and ran into those arms to give Jesus a hug, With "Huggy Jesus", Pinkerton hopes everyone can experience the hug of Jesus.

The doll is available from Although, there is no online store at this time, you can purchase the doll by phone for $19.95. Not a high price to pay for the hug of a Savior.

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Anonymous said...

I've been looking for the doll for ages and still looking for it:

but the link is dead :(

Neways, great blog! Found it from Glog of Blogs. Happy birthday to you :)

Anonymous said...

I think Jesus Junkie has a great blog! I've been surfing around everywhere and just love to read all this stuff. I don't have a blog to contribute to but found a place where you can get a free target gift card. I think they are limiting it so you may wanna hurry on over. the site is Target Gift Card Keep up the great work, I love Blogger!!!

Anonymous said...

If you happen to be near downtown St. Paul, MN, there is a surplus store called the Ax-Man where you can buy a Huggy Jesus. But when I bought mine, their supplies were starting to dwindle, so hurry!

Ann said...

Boyfriend and I picked up a couple of Huggy Jesus's at the Ax Man (St. Paul) yesterday for $2.50 each! We gave one to his Dad, a pastor! He found it awesome.

Anonymous said...

They sell them in Toronto for $7. They are really funny.