Kathleen L. Farrell, founder of Shoes of the Fisherman, was abducted. She was released after she quoted the 23rd Psalm. After this experience, she tried to think of ways to tell people that Jesus loved them. She glued plastic letters to the bottom of her sandals so she would leave the message "Jesus loves you" any where a footprint can be seen.
Shoes of the Fisherman has a three-fold mission statement. The first part is to care for those who are making the shoes. The webiste says "The sandals are made in Thailand in a clean, Christian-owned factory that employs adult Christian workers who are paid a living wage." Second, they seek to provide an outlet for Christians to "wear their faith." Third, they want to see the words "Jesus Loves You" on every beach.
The website features what appears to be a testimony like story. It is not stated to be an actual testimony, but it at least gives and idea of what Shoes of the Fisherman hopes will result from their shoes.
You can order the shoes online. ShoesoftheFisherman.com also offers t-shirts and sunglasses

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" ~Romans 10:15
Just beautiful - what a wonderful gift for those who are Christians!
I hope you'll come to visit my 'blog' - when you do, have your speakers on so you can hear the music.
wow...it's beautifull.
I'm really want to have one.
I think it good idea to tell the world that Jesus is Savior.
Keep work!
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